Not only in Russia we have absolute love for mushrooms. For example, in China and other Asian countries, mushrooms are also a special product. In these countries, they are loved not only for their taste, but also for their healing properties. Not a single meal can go without them, no matter as a separate snack or ingredient for a dish. We will highlight three popular types of Asian mushrooms that have already become a common product on the Russian market.
Nameko is aChinese version of mushrooms "opyata". Nameko is usually grown under special conditions, so the mushrooms are all regular size, and also safe to eat. It's also useful: they normalize bowel function, collect toxins and remove them from the body. In Russia, nameko mushrooms are sold frozen or canned.
Eringi - if you try it, then you can compare with oyster mushrooms, very tasty and nutritious mushroom. It's also grown on farms. Most often it's served as a separate dish, and nutritional value of it is same as meat.. Egingi contain natural fiber, vitamins B and D, useful minerals, and a lot of protein. These mushrooms are well digested and, despite the dense structure, do not cause heaviness in the stomach.
Shiitake is the Chinese version of Russian mushrooms "gruzdi". Shiitake is the brightest representative of Asian mushrooms, which was previously supplied only to the imperial table. Shiitake mushroom contains a large amount of amino acids and vitamins, which, with constant use, strengthens the immune system and removes excess cholesterol, heals erosion and ulcers in the digestive tract. For its beneficial properties and low calorie content, nutritionists call shiitake a “superfood”. In Russia, most often mushrooms can be found in dried or canned form.