The award ceremony "Exporter of the Year of the Moscow Region" was held at the Government House of the Moscow Region. The competition was attended by companies whose field of activity or production is registered in the Moscow region, and which for the year showed the best results in export activities and sales abroad.
This year, the organizers initiated a new nomination "The fastest export sales", the winner of which was SMART LLC, an exporter of canned products of the SKATERT-SAMOBRANKA trademark. The decision to introduce a special award came after record sales of Russian pickles during streaming with a Chinese blogger at the Canton Fair International exhibition in Guangzhou.
Back then, 3,400 jars were sold in just 10 minutes.
This event has indeed become one of the most vivid impressions in 2024, and the team of TM "SKATERT-SAMOBRANKA" is pleased that the organizers of the award have awarded it with a special award.
The Moscow Region Exporter of the Year contest is organized by the Defense Foreign Economic Activity Support Fund under the auspices of the Russian Export Center and the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Science of the Moscow Region. Companies from various industries and services participate in the competition: ready-made food, beauty and health products, high technologies, mechanical engineering, construction, agro-industrial complex products and others.